Courses and Resources for Teachers

Courses and Resources for Teachers
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Making Your Mark with Makerspaces | Learners Edge

Making Your Mark with Makerspaces
Course #
Grade Level

This course will be retiring 5/15.

Professional Development is intended to fulfill requirements for license renewal and recertification when the student has obtained proper prior approval. Please verify with your state licensing board that Teaching Channel professional development will meet your needs. This course introduces teachers to the world of possibilities with makerspaces for students, specifically how they promote grit, persistence, creativity, innovation, and problem-solving while helping students connect classroom lessons to their “real worlds.”  You will investigate the benefits of a maker mindset, the relationship with STEM, and how makerspaces promote community in a school by also engaging parents and community members. Access to Professional Development courses is available for 12 months from the registration date. **You will receive a Teaching Channel Letter of Completion for 10 clock hours (university graduate credit/transcript is not available). This online course is priced at $99 (no additional discounts are available)**

PD Session
You have 12 months from date of registration to complete your course.
This course does not have a textbook
  • Teaching Channel